At the end of October, 17 friends spent a weekend together in the Palace of Cardinal Cienfuegos, in Belmonte de Miranda, to record a spot for The old Iriarte. We work very hard but, above all, we enjoy ourselves like never before. Here is the chronicle of two unforgettable days in which there was everything, from having avocado with saccharine for breakfast to running through the garden in search of gin, fleeing from the possibility that a bear would come out to meet us and with a great final touch, a few words from mom that made us all cry.
On September 24, 2021 at 12:14 p.m., fifteen people received a message on WhatsApp.
Así, sin esperar explicaciones, sin decir en qué consistiría el trabajo, sin concretar fecha ni hora. En nada, comenzaron a llover los «¡Planazo!», los aplausos y las manos alzadas indicando que contara con ellos. Así, en un tris y de un plumazo, comenzó a materializarse el plan, una nueva campaña de publicidad de El antiguo Iriarte como a nosotras nos gustan, implicando a mucha gente y con modelos reales, sin atender a peso, talla o edad. En esta ocasión, tirando de amigos, buscando aunar el reencuentro y la convivencia que nos permitía la remisión de la pandemia y el trabajo.
La idea se había gestado bastante antes, en verano. Ya me lo dice mi madre, «te vas a volver loca de tanto pensar, apagate un poco». Y lleva razón. Pero yo no puedo, va en mi ADN. El caso es que un día del mes de julio, viendo el mal tiempo que hacía y lo que despotricamos los asturianos cuando queremos playa y no para de llover ( yo la primera), traté de darle la vuelta a la situación (quizás como autoterapia) y pensé en lo bonita que es nuestra tierra gracias a su peculiaridad climática. En vez de enfadarme, traté de buscar lo positivo. Toda España sufría una ola de calor y aquí ni nos enteramos. Podíamos dormir bien, incluso el cuerpo nos pedía el arrope de una sábana o una manta fina; no gastábamos electricidad con el aire acondicionado e ir a trabajar no se convertía en un tedio por la pereza que te aportan las altas temperaturas. Así son los veranos en el norte, no hay más, pensé y me animé un poquito. La cosa quedó ahí.
Días más tarde, Enrique Pinin, pintor y gran amigo, me habló de la posibilidad de colgar su último trabajo en los escaparates de la tienda. Tenía dos series, «Bosques oníricos» sobre la naturaleza y el agua en Asturias (muy verde y exhuberante, con grandes lienzos) y otra con bastidores más pequeños pero impactante, «Nubes», realizada en lápiz carbón. Ambas me parecieron fabulosas pero me decanté por la segunda. Esos nubarrones oscuros que amenazan lluvia, tan nuestros, tan del norte, los quería para El antiguo Iriarte. Mi cabeza, que es inquieta (ya lo podía ser menos, dormiría bastante mejor) hilvanó esas nubes con la reivindicación de nuestro clima, de nuestros veranos templados y lluviosos, nuestros otoños cálidos y luminosos, nuestros inviernos húmedos y nuestra primavera engañosa, y la nueva campaña comenzó a ver la luz.
I would save the paintings for the next season (summer was already very advanced) and I would connect them in some way with images of women dressed in clothes from the store in typical actions of our climate: jumping in a puddle, having a coffee after a wet glass, walking through a beech forest, running in the rain, sharing an umbrella with her boy... things like that. I spoke with Ezequiel Sebastián Beltrán, from Objective Drone, and author of all the El Antiguo Iriarte spots, and he liked the idea. He didn't say it then, nor did I, although I also thought about it, but the issue of locations would be complicated (we needed too many sets) and we absolutely depended on the weather. And you know! Another of the singularities of Asturias is that all you need is that you want it to rain for it to not do so and the sun will shine. In fact, that's what happened to us.
Oh well! The idea was in the air: shots of actions in which our climate had a great role for the spot, supported by Pinin's paintings of clouds in the shop windows.
Summer continued its course and September arrived. At that time, Cristina Gervilla, a client and friend, had offered us her husband's family palace, a 17th century noble house where Cardinal Cienfuegos was born, located in Agüerina, Belmonte de Miranda, to take photos for the company's website. store. We took those photos and we fell in love with the place and its owners. Juan Uría, the caretaker of this Asset of Cultural Interest, is as enthusiastic and exciting as I am, and, once there, seeing such a building and its surroundings, it occurred to me, on the fly, that our autumn actions could be filmed there . I proposed it to him to see what he thought. And why do you want more? He went as crazy as me. How enthusiastic people amaze me! As I was explaining to him, because I'm crazy like that, I already saw everything in my head, he was suggesting ideas to me. If we were cartoon characters, we would imagine both of us in that moment with a big smile, eyes wide open, and gesticulating a lot. What do you want! I tell you things how I live them, and I really thought of us as cartoons because of how expressive and happy we are.
Wow! I was already crazy, eager to tell Eze the turn of events and seeking his approval. Because I don't know if it will have been clear but without Drone Target none of this would be possible. My friend and his girl, Puri Méndez, assistant, producer, hard worker if ever there was one and a sweetheart of a woman, were on vacation and I didn't want to bother them with my stories. But as soon as they came back, I met them for lunch and told them about the movie. Once again, because they have always reacted this way to my proposals, they were delighted and considered that filming in the palace would be a pleasure. Furthermore, I had already more than chewed everything and my idea was to rent the Uría house for a weekend and invite a group of friends (as many as the number of beds available allowed, about fifteen) to enjoy the palace already appear in the video. Eze and Puri, who are Juan-type enthusiasts, applauded the proposal. Again I imagined the three of us as cartoons. Ha ha ha. I'm crazy. I know.
Good! I spoke with Juan and Cris, we set a weekend in which we could all and, with all the ends well tied, I made a list with the candidates, created a WhatsApp group called The northern autumns y lancé la propuesta. Hubo algunas bajas, por problemas de agenda básicamente, que se cubrieron enseguida y en un par de días ya tenía el listado con las diez chicas que saldrían en el spot y los cinco chicos que participarían en la experiencia. Enrique Pinín tenía que estar, pintando uno de los lienzos de sus nubes, para crear ese vínculo entre el spot y los cuadros de los escaparates. Con Juan y Cris, nuestros anfitriones, también contaba en el elenco, por supuesto. Ya éramos 17. Fijamos la cita para el finde del 23 y 24 de octubre. Mamá se mostró reacia a participar. «¿Qué pinto yo con gente joven?». Pero Vane y yo no se lo permitimos. «Tú lo pintas todo. Eres el alma de la tienda y te lo vas a pasar genial», le dijimos. No la dejamos «llorar» más.
La semana antes, cité a todas las modelos en la tienda para elegir las prendas que lucirían en el spot. También elaboré una lista con las posibles secuencias y los objetos que necesitaríamos como atrezzo. Cogiendo castañas, pescando, bailando, tomando el té, haciendo una tarta, andando en bici, tocando el piano, escribiendo, pintando, mirando por la ventana, echando leña al fuego… Alguno de los chicos preguntó por el grupo si habría escenas de cama. Ja, ja, ja. Las hubo. Tres de nosotras nos lo pasamos pipa haciendo una guerra de almohadas. Puri no solo apuntó las mismas secuencias y más, sino que hizo una escaleta y anotó quién saldría en cada toma para equilibrar los protagonismos. Como no tenemos ropa de hombre en la tienda, les sugerimos a los chicos que llevaran para sus actuaciones vaqueros y jerséis de punto. «Yo no tengo jersey de punto desde el cole, que me obligaba mi madre a llevarlos», me contestó por el grupo Joselón, copropietario de Old Payments. Ja, ja, ja. Ya veía yo el tono que iba a tener el fin de semana. Finalmente, Eze, de un plumazo, consideró que los chicos nada pintaban en esta historia y decidió que no saldría ninguno, ni siquiera Pinin. «Vaya, yo que desmantelé el otro día mi armario probando posibles modelitos», protestó Toño Velasco, plastic artist and great friend. The others, all very alpha males, did not gurgut. What Eze is when he sentences. Or could it be that they weren't particularly excited about being models?
Cris and Juan gave me exhaustive information about bedrooms and locations to distribute to the guests and we agreed to bring something prepared to eat on Saturday, have dinner at a restaurant in Belmonte de Miranda, so as not to complicate matters, and have the boys make a fabada. to eat on Sunday while we finished recording the sequences.
And the great day has arrived!
Llegamos pronto, sobre las diez de la mañana. Juan y Cris no podían estar a esa hora y me dejaron a mi encargada de instalar a los huéspedes. Como ya conocía el palacio y tengo sentido de la orientación, les mostré sus habitaciones y les enseñé el resto de las estancias. No es nada fácil. La distribución es muy laberíntica y el lugar no es precisamente pequeño. Eze y Puri se trajeron a Ángela, periodista y fotógrafa, de ayudante de cámara. Todo un descubrimiento de mujer. Generosa, dulce, atenta y eficaz. Enseguida nos pusieron a trabajar. «Venga, venga, que hay que aprovechar la luz y hay muchas secuencias que grabar», nos instó Eze. Pablo y yo, que traíamos toda la ropa en el coche, instalamos el vestuario en nuestra habitación y empezamos a distribuir modelitos. En la primera toma, participamos Sonia, Carmen, Miri y yo. Tres teníamos que salir al corredor con nuestros abrigos puestos, pararnos al escuchar la llamada de una cuarta, que se sumaba al plan, y las cuatro bajábamos juntas las escaleras y salíamos del palacio por la fachada principal. En el trayecto, Carmen tenía que pararse frente a un gran espejo a arreglarse el pelo y colocarse el cuello del abrigo. Las demás debíamos seguir sin prestarle atención para que el objetivo se fijara solo en ella.
-Come on! Don't look at the camera! Be natural! At the cry of action, count three and start, the director instructed us.
We execute the action two or three times in a row. Juan and Cris arrived at this moment, in the midst of a whirlwind.
-Okay girls! Very good! We have it!-
Puri kept the list with the sequences. He scored the first one and wrote down who had left. There were more than thirty actions listed. There was much left to do!
-How about we record the writing now? We have good light, Angela observed.
-Good. Sandra, get ready-
We are looking for a cool, interior corner. We moved the table a few centimeters away from the window and looked for the place where the lighting would achieve the desired effect. Then we had to remember to leave everything as we found it.
-Don't you have a lighter sweater? "That's too dark for this sequence," Eze asked.
"Marching!" I told him.
I ran to the room to look for a more suitable garment. Apart from the looks for each one, I had carried a bag with different colored sweaters in case they were needed.
The director gave me the go-ahead. I placed on the table a beautiful notebook that Ana had lent me as a prop from San Antonio Stationery, and my old pen and opened another personal pad with my notes on which I wrote the first thing that came to mind. Eze gave me instructions:
-Fix the tip of the pen on the paper so that it focuses. When I tell you now, write a little, whatever comes to mind, it won't be read. Now she looks out the window thoughtfully and then writes again-
Repetimos la toma desde varios encuadres y a distancias distintas. Eze, Ángela y Puri observaban el monitor y asentían. Decían cosas. Yo no entendía nada. Su lenguaje se me escapaba por completo, demasiado técnico. «No pillo nada, Habláis en arameo», me reía yo. «Qué guapa ha quedado», sentenció Puri. Yo aplaudí. ¡Una menos!
El sol comenzaba a invadir la finca del palacio. Llamaron a Miri para la siguiente escena. Yo corrí a darle su vestido largo de gasa, de corte romántico, y una chaqueta de chenilla. «Grabamos fuera. Necesitamos la bici y a Rita», pidió Eze. Rita es la perrita de Miri. Pablo fue al coche a bajar la bici de la baca. Toño, el marido de Miri, ya llevaba tiempo instalado junto al río con su caballete pintando la cara sur del palacio en su cuaderno de dibujo. Pinin también andaba por ahí, haciendo fotos de lo que sucedía. Ésta imagen es suya.
We all went out to the meadow to record Miri's scene. There was no way Rita would pay attention. They decided to do without the dog. Eze gave instructions, Puri made sure nothing was in focus that shouldn't have been, and Ángela continued speaking in code with the director while orienting the light reflector to fill in or eliminate the model's shadows. I took photos to document this blog entry.
Once the scene was recorded outdoors, Cris suggested recording a backlight on Miri from the patio. Her long chiffon dress would look with the sun on her back and the effect would be spectacular. Eze agreed and we all moved inside to record the shot. This was the tone throughout the weekend, even though we had planned almost everything in advance, suggestions and changes on the fly, no matter who they came from, were welcome. And Cris contributed very good ideas throughout the weekend. .
Taking advantage of the fabulous drawing that Toño was making of the south face of the palace, we decided to do a painting sequence. I would be the artist. I put on a super cool green cap from our accessories collection and kidnapped Velasco's easel and his work. He, generous and collaborative, told me how to hold the brushes and left me the cloth with which he cleans them and removes excess water or paint. Wow! What fun! Eze was giving me instructions:
-Look at the painting, paint and then stop and look up at what you are painting. So, very good-
Around the scene, Angela controlled the light diffuser, Puri recorded the outtakes, Pinin took photos (the one below is also his) and Eze controlled everything.
Cuando el director consideraba que ya tenía lo que buscaba en cada toma, soltaba un «¡Listo!» y nos ponía a todos en marcha para la siguiente secuencia. Entre él, Puri y Ángela, la escogían, dependiendo de la luz. Yo era la encargada de vestuario y corría escaleras arriba, escaleras abajo del palacio, distribuyendo modelitos.
En este punto, llegaron Mariajo y Joselón y las tomas adquirieron un ritmo vertiginoso. Sonia, Cris y Puri protagonizaron las escena de la sidra junto al río y Mariajo, Puri y yo vareamos los manzanos y llenamos un cesto con la preciada fruta asturiana. Los que no grababan, miraban. Juan aprovechó para recoger la hierba recién segada y los pintores para perderse por los alrededores a dibujar distintos bocetos no sin antes degustar el chorizo que cortaron Carmen y Pablo en la cocina, y que habían traído los anfitriones, y acercaron hasta el río para la secuencia de la sidra. El ambiente era festivo y alegre. Pablo nos mostró incrédulo uno de los chuletones que había comprado Joselón, encargado de ir al súper, para hacer en la parrilla al día siguiente. Tenía el grosor de varios dedos. «¡Y hay tres! Este hombre está loco, ¡vamos a reventar», exclamó. Y eso que Pablo es vasco y come como si no hubiera un mañana. ¡Ja!
Cerca de las tres de la tarde, llegaron Mamá, Vane y Blanca, la últimas en incorporarse al rodaje, que habían tenido que atender la tienda por la mañana. Cómo ya teníamos todos un hambre canina, la marabunta comenzó a poner la mesa grande, en el jardín (el día, como veis por las fotos, era espectacular) y Eze quiso aprovechar hasta el último minuto para seguir adelantando trabajo. Le di su vestuario a mamá y la grabamos en la fachada del palacio podando hortensias y en el jardín, regando flores. Nuestro director ya estaba reventado. Desde que habíamos llegado por la mañana, no paró, y la cámara que lleva pesa un quintal. Había llegado el momento de hacer un break. «¡Corten!»
Sobre la mesa, colocamos lo que habíamos llevado cada uno de casa. Empanadas, muslitos de pollo, pastel de verdura, tortilla, ensaladilla, chorizo, ensalada de tomate, tarta de manzana, melón… Cómo siempre, muchísima comida y de más. Juan escanció sidra de casa, riquísima, y Joselón se lamentó porque había comprado poco vino. «¡Cómo bebéis, jodios!». El ambiente, imaginaros. Cachondeo, pullas, risas, conversaciones entrecruzadas, jaleo… Una maravilla.
-Hey! A selfie! - Joselón, from his height of 1.93, stood up and focused his cell phone on the table.
-Not like that, ready! Horizontally! - Toño rebuked him.
No, if here he who doesn't run flies. Ha ha ha. In the end, I got up and took the photo on a chair, which is not even close to my friend's height.
Once the farce was over, Eze and his team set off again. On stage, Vane and Blanca. They had to record a shot fishing in the river. Sonia and Pablo dared to challenge Joselón and Pinin to a game of tute. Mom, who loves cards and finds them a lot of fun, decided to stay with them watching the game. Others went to take a nap and the rest of us moved about a hundred meters from the palace, guided by Juan, to The Factory and The Valdelagua Mill, two rural houses run by our host and that overlook the Pigüeña. We didn't know them and we were amazed. What lovely places! Restored by him with exquisite care, the two buildings, a small power plant and the old mill, linked to the Palace of Cardinal Cienfuegos, seemed straight out of a fairy tale. There Carmina came to meet us, a woman who comes from Albacete every year with her husband to spend a fortnight in the fall. Hospitable and charming, she offered us a coffee that Carmen and I accepted and drank quickly because our director was driving like a motorcycle.
Vane and Blanca put on their fishing boots, crossed the basket, took their respective rods (all the props were provided by Juan, from things that were around the palace) and headed to the river. Our host gave them a few tips on how to handle the rod. Eze, Puri and Ángela recorded them from different angles and distances.
-One two Three! Action! - Eze shouted in the distance, from the bridge that connects the road with the rural houses.
Vane and Blanca had a great time casting the rod and doing the paripé.
"They sting, they sting!" Vanessa shouted, laughing and throwing her body back as if the weight of the fish could drag her.
Blanca abría su bolsa y hacía como que tenía que encestar la trucha en el cesto. ¡Menudo par de payasas! «Jo, ¡qué divertido! ¡Les ha tocado la escena más guay!», le lloraba yo a Mariajosé. Pero para nada, nos lo estábamos pasando genial como espectadoras.
-We have it! "Come on, let's go for a walk!" Eze ordered.
In the next scene Vane, Blanca, Cris and Carmen would appear walking among the trees, next to the river. Everything was happening at incredible speed. At the end, we said goodbye to Carmina, we returned to the palace and, on the adjacent farm, Angela discovered a dandelion. The recording equipment stopped dead.
-Let's see! We are going to record a shot blowing the dandelion, but there is only one, so whoever does it doesn't have to fail. We only have one chance," Eze warned.
"Then it has to be mom, it never fails," I suggested, knowing how photogenic and professional my mother is after taking hundreds of photos of her for Thursdays with mom.
-Brilliant! "Well, go get her!" the director urged me.
I ran for mom. What stress! But it was so fun... I took my mother out of the game, who was having a terrible time with the kids' playing cards, and I took her to the farm next door. We explain its taking. Meanwhile, Juan had obtained two or three more dandelions by searching the meadow, in case the capture failed. No, as I told you... Everyone got involved in some way... But even though they were used, it wouldn't have been necessary. Mom doesn't fail and her sequence was perfect.
The afternoon progressed and the light was changing. Puri, from time to time, took stock. He took out his ladder and…
-Let's see... This one is there, this one too, the one with the cake, tomorrow, this one is there, the one with the cookies tomorrow too... What if we do the one with the dance? How do you see it? - he asked the team.
-The one with the dance later, before it gets dark, in the patio. There may be a cool light. How about the firewood now? -Angela suggested.
-Perfect! "Let's go!" Eze urged.
Juan took us across the street, to a neighbor's house, who has a really cool woodshed. I ran with the model, it was Mariajo's turn, to my room to put on the checkered jacket that I had reserved for the firewood collection. We went down and recorded our protagonist chopping firewood and loading it into the basket. I no longer remember the order. At some point, Eze filmed a group scene with the drone in the backyard, some playing with the dogs and others jumping rope. What I do remember is that we were left bottomless and sweaty as hell. We are already too old for so much jumping. How great some of us were with the rope!
Back at the palace, the piano scene was playing. Miri would be its protagonist. Not in vain is she a professor of Musicology at the University of Oviedo and played this instrument in a chamber group of which she was a part along with her brothers, also musicians, years ago. With his usual joy, he sat on the stool in front of the keyboard and filled the palace with music. What a moment! Wonderful and unexpected concert. In the sequence, Vane came out leaning on the piano listening to her friend and Cris and mother looked around the kitchen when they heard the first notes. It was one of the great moments of the weekend.
Después del recital, tocaba el baile. Antes, en la cocina, Eze grabó a Mariajo echando leña al fuego. Y allí, al calor del hogar, Toño hizo una acuarela de Pablo mientras éste gestionaba un pedido de ropa (es agente comercial) por teléfono. Todo era actividad, bullicio, diversión. Juan buscó unas luces muy bonitas que tenía guardadas para iluminar el patio y darle un aire festivo. Toño Puri y Eze le ayudaron a colocarlas. En esa escena salíamos las diez «actrices». «Esta toma pide vestidos. ¡Venga! Todas a mi habitación a prepararse», indiqué. Ángela nos advirtió de que la luz que querían duraba muy poquito. Una vez más, teníamos pocas oportunidades de repetición. Tenía que salir a la primera sí o sí.
Bajamos todas engalanadas y empezó la danza. Joselón puso música en su móvil, pero como no teníamos altavoz, no se oía nada. Tuvimos que cantar y bailar. ¡Qué desastre! Puri se arrancó con el «Chiribi» de los Gipsy Kings. También entonamos la sevillana «Algo se muere en el alma» , el «No estamos locos», de Ketama, y un vals. ¡Ya lo sé! Nada muy asturiano, pero bailar a ritmo de tonada como que no. El equipo realizó varias tomas, desde el corredor y desde el patio.
"You can continue dancing if you want, but we have it," Eze announced with his usual irony.
There is no photo of the dance scene, but there is this other super nice one from the reading sequence, which Puri and Eze recorded at some point in the Poniente gallery.
Después del baile llegó la calma. Aunque no era muy tarde, ya no teníamos luz natural y el equipo dio por terminado el rodaje de ese día. Juan encendió la calefacción del palacio (con la ausencia del sol, el fresco otoñal se notaba) y fue a por más leña para avivar el fuego de la chimenea. Yo recogí cuidadosamente toda la ropa y ordené un poco la habitación. Los demás, se distribuyeron por los diferentes rincones del palacio, aunque finalmente, todos terminamos al calor del hogar en la cocina, donde Sonia puso a remojo los dos kilos de fabes que había traído de Tineo para comer al día siguiente. «Quiero ir a la galería pero no sé cómo», escuché decir a Puri. «¡Jo, menos mal! ¡Tú también! Creía que yo era la única que me perdía», le contestó Vanessa entre risas. Me acerqué a ambas y les indiqué el camino. La distribución laberíntica del palacio les estaba jugando malas pasadas. «No veas la de vueltas que estoy dando a lo tonto porque aún no me sitúo», confesó la productora del spot.
Juan and Cris announced their departure. They would return the next day for the second day of filming, but they wanted to sleep in Oviedo, with their children. The host gave me instructions to close the palace doors and showed me where they kept the firewood. On the way home, Cris told me the next day, Juan stopped the car to pick up chestnut urchins as props for Sunday's shooting. Don't tell me that's not implication! Wonderful.
I began to summon people to go, heading to Belmonte, where Cris had reserved a table for us at La Fuyeca. Before, I went around the building closing doors and turning off lights. Frida, Boby and Rita, Vane's dogs, Toño and Miri, were left sleeping faintly. They hadn't stopped running around the farm all day either. We divided into cars and left.
In La Fuyeca we had a scary time. Toño came up big and was telling jokes with great skill. And he knows it. Pablo, who sat between Pinin and Joselón, who had taken to liquor during the game and were having a hell of a party, asked the rest of the diners for help to get him out of there. We all chatted incessantly, shouted, laughed... another party. A man who was dining alone in the dining room confessed as he left that he had had a wonderful time. Goodness! Because we gave him dinner. Despite the lunchtime binge, we didn't cut corners when ordering, which is normal when Joselón leads the charge. Everything, absolutely exquisite. La Fuyeca is highly recommended if you go to Belmonte, especially the cabritu, according to most diners.
Al abandonar el restaurante, donde compramos hielo, decidimos volver a la cocina del palacio, que es amplísima, y jugar a las películas mientras a quien le apeteciera se tomara una copa. Ya en la casona, Pinin me preguntó cómo salir al jardín para recuperar la ginebra y las tónicas que se habían dejado allí por la tarde, tras la partida de cartas. «Otro que se pierde», pensé con gracia. Le indiqué que había dos opciones: salir por la puerta del patio y atravesar la finca hasta el jardín, o acceder por la galería de Poniente. «Vamos por el patio, que es más fácil abrir la puerta. La de la galería ya está trancada y todo apagado. Te acompaño», le dije. Salimos al exterior, bajo una noche estrellada.
-Mira a ver no nos vayamos a topar con un oso»-, me advirtió de pronto.
-Don't mess around! You're kidding, right? - I responded.
-No way! Juan advised us not to leave any food outside because the bears can smell it from more than a kilometer away. Do you see those lights over there? "They are from the house of a woman who had to put up an electric fence because the bears came down on her every now and then," he said.
I noticed the lights my friend was referring to. They were there, up the mountain, very close. I started looking around. I only saw absolute darkness and my imagination, which is very wicked, began to see movement where there was none.
-Fuck Pinin! Hurry, I'm scared shitless! What do we do if we get one?
-I have no idea. "Run, but we have it screwed," he admitted.
He was scared too, he was serious. I thought about the attack that a woman had suffered in Cangas del Narcea last spring, and that had appeared in all the newspapers, and I quickened my pace. The road seemed eternal to me. We took the bottles and rushed back the way we had come. When I reached the palace courtyard again and locked the door, I sighed. Phew! Test passed! I felt like when I was little and we went to the cemetery in town to tell scary stories. Terrified.
La cocina estaba caliente y acogedora. Qué gozada estar todos allí al calor del fuego. Toño y yo caminamos por una línea imaginaria trazada en el suelo para ver quien elegía primero a los miembros de su equipo. Ganó él y escogió. Mamá dijo que no jugaba, pero se quedó allí sentada dispuesta a disfrutar del espectáculo. ¡Y lo hubo! Hasta las dos y pico de la madrugada estuvimos pensando películas, haciendo mímica para ponerlas en escena, tirándonos por el suelo, adivinando y gritando como niños en el patio del colegio. Mamá se desternillaba, sobre todo con Pablo, que hizo la interpretación más surrealista del mundo escenificando «Rebelde sin causa». Lo suyo, definitivamente, no es la actuación. Sin embargo, tiene una voz grave preciosa y es el que ha puesto la locución a Los otoños del Norte. Bueno, iba ganando con pasmosa superioridad mi equipo, en el que estaban Pinin, Joselón, Blanca, Miri y Mariajo, pero la intervención de Ángela en el bando contrario al final de la partida (al principio estaba un tanto adormilada y prefirió no participar) hizo que la competición alcanzara cierta igualdad. Sin embargo, no pudieron remontar y nos erigimos en justos ganadores. Mal que les pese.
When the fire was already embers, we went to sleep. Eze had long since retired. Poor thing, the weight of the entire recording had fallen on him.
We all slept like little angels, although it seems that there was movement at night, especially in search of the bathrooms (difficult to get to in the dark and in a maze) and fleeing from unwanted snoring.
De nuevo en la cocina, pasadas las nueve de la mañana, comenzó otra vez el follón. Unos yendo hacia las duchas, otros buscando hacer un pis rápido y la mayoría con hambre. Otra cosa no hicimos, pero comer… Puri y Eze se pusieron con las cafeteras y a cortar pan para tostar y yo decidí machacar aguacates y mezclarlos con aceite y sal para untar en las tostadas. Para ello, me había llevado una bolsita con monodosis de aliño que suelo utilizar cuando voy con la bici. Como no tenía las gafas, al ir a elegir una de las bolsitas dudé, no veía un pimiento. «¿Esto qué es? ¿Aceite o vinagre?», le pregunté a Eze que pese a tener la misma edad que yo ve de maravilla. «Vinagre», me contestó. «Jope, casi lo echo mal», reí. Y volqué sobre el aguacate el contenido de otra monodosis, pero de aceite. Seguí con el preparado y tomé el sobrecito blanco donde suele ir la sal. Lo vertí sobre la mezcla, revolví bien y puse el bol sobre la mesa.
We sat down to have breakfast and suddenly Toño blurted out:
-What the hell is this? This avocado is sweet! Gross!-
Earth swallow me, I thought.
-What happen? I prepared it and since I can't see anything without glasses... Haven't I added salt? - I asked.
"No, it's sweet," Puri admitted, "but don't worry, it's not that bad, it's like avocado jam," he added to console me while he ate some toast with my concoction. That's a friend!
Thinking about it later, I think it wasn't even sugar but saccharine. The single-dose sachets of this sweetener are usually the same size as the salt. The sugar ones are bigger. That's what it's like to be blind and leave your glasses in the room, your friends are in danger of being poisoned.
After breakfast, Eze called for order. There was a lot left to record. Puri took out the rundown: the cake scene, the cookie scene, the socks scene, the golf scene, the chestnuts scene, the window scene... Some of the girls started putting everything in the dishwasher, the boys They began to prepare the beans, Toño took out the drawing notebook and began to make another portrait of Pablo, the one from the previous day he had not liked how it had turned out, Joselón to mess around a little, which he loves, and prepare the ingredients for the grill .
And so the morning went by. Before tidying up the bedrooms, we filmed the pillow fight scene. Vane, who wanted to participate, was in the shower and missed it. Eze was not expecting and neither was the light. Blanca, Miri and I star in it. Dressed in loose sweaters and cotton stockings Miss SockWe had a great time hugging each other like little girls on the huge bed in the guest room. Next, I called the rest of the girls together and we all put on different colored socks and poles to film a shot of moving our feet over the corridor railing. The idea had been Cris's. Once again, absolute success, although the host did not arrive from Oviedo in time for the filming and the director was already on turbo. What a pity! Frida, however, did not miss it and stuck her nose out at just the right moment to emerge flat. Another improvisation that was luxurious.
At this point, Puri gave me the following sequences to prepare the clothes and the models. Three in the kitchen drinking coffee and serving cake (Puri herself, who cooks like angels, had brought a carrot cake as a prop), two drinking tea with cookies (homemade oatmeal, which I had made) in the corridor, one looking out of a glass that we splashed with water to make it look like rain and another playing golf in the garden. The actresses would be Mariajo, Carmen and mom in the first scene; mom and Vane in the second, Vane in the third and Sonia in the fourth. Toño, who had already finished Pablo's portrait in the kitchen and was tired of arguing with Pinin about whether to cover the fabes or not, decided to go with Miri, who was free of plans for a while, to Belmonte de Miranda to buy the press. Enrique went to draw with his notebook around the area, but not before giving Sonia a few tips on how to pick up the golf club and hit the ball; Mariajo and Joselón began to prepare the mushrooms for the grill; Pablo and Carmen decided to take care of the fabada themselves and I took the opportunity to sneak into a bathroom, finally free, and take a good shower.
Meanwhile, Cris and Juan had already arrived. We were the complete team again. Outside, as I was later told, Sonia, who had bought the golf club in Reto thinking of using it as a prop in case it fit in a scene, had hit a perfect shot. But only one! The only ball we had, which she had also brought, she threw on the first attempt into the adjacent meadow and they were no longer able to find it. Good swing! And a big thank you to Eze and Ángela, who captured the moment on the fly.
More scenes, one of Sonia opening a window and another of Cris making a flower arrangement. Everything was so dizzying that even Puri lost count of the number of sequences and the balance in the appearance of models.
Hasta que llegó la escena final. En esta, todas participamos. Era el festín de despedida y el brindis. Se rodó en el salón, bajo la atenta mirada del Cardenal Cienfuegos, cuyo retrato preside la estancia. De nuevo sacamos nuestros vestidos y corrimos a poner la mesa de gala y a abrir una botella de vino porque Eze nos apremiaba. «La luz, corred, que ahora la luz es perfecta». Madre mía, qué estrés. Juan volaba de la cocina al salón trayendo platos y copas. Carmen abría la botella a todo gas. «¡Venga, venga!», insistía Eze. No había sillas para todas. Algunas se sentaron y otras rondaron la mesa. Nos reímos, alzamos nuestras copas y bebimos la botella entera, un magnífico caldo que se había traído Sonia de Zamora, brindando por nosotras y por un fin de semana tan especial.
-Made! End of filming! "We're done!" Eze sang.
We applaud like crazy. Wonderful. We were all exhausted but happy. Everything had been so fast and intense that it gave us the feeling that we had been at Agüerina's house for much longer than a day and a half. The people in charge of the fabada (Carmen and Pablo) and the grill (Joselón) had everything ready on the garden table to end the call as they do in Asturias, with a great pitanza. Fabada as a starter and steaks, mushrooms and grilled asparagus as a main course. For dessert, we could finally sink our teeth into the desserts we had prepared as props.
We collected everything (Vane and I still went to the river to photograph three coats from a new collection for the website) and the 17 of us gathered at the table. Now relaxed, we toasted Eze and his team, our hosts, the grill, the old Iriarte, the Autumns of the North, Lu (who had a birthday the next day) and, of course!, Cardinal Cienfuegos .
Estaba todo buenísimo y disfrutamos un montón. Qué delicia de fin de semana. Ni un roce, ni una mala cara, todo fue como la seda. Los 17 dimos el callo, cada cual a su manera, pero todos arrimamos el hombro para que el equipo de rodaje, que se dejó la piel, lo tuviera fácil. Antes de que la gente saliera en estampida, faltaba una cosa: la foto de grupo. Ángela se haría cargo. Juan le indicó que la escalera de piedra que accede al jardín es donde su familia, que es numerosa, y sus amigos se hacen las fotos. «Es el mejor lugar». Nos acomodamos todos por los escalones, le dejamos un hueco a Ángela en el primero, junto a Toño Velasco, y la fotógrafa preparó su cámara con el autodisparador para venir corriendo y salir en imagen. Hubo dos fotos: la primera, sonriendo. «¡Venga! En la segunda, haced un poco el pijo. Todo el mundo a lo loco!», dijo alguien. ¡Segunda toma!
Which one do you like the most?
When we were all about to get up and stampede, Mom stood in front of the group, raised her hand and said:
-Wait! Don't go yet. I want to take advantage of the fact that we are all here to say a few words.
We all returned to our seats and, as I know her, I began to swallow saliva thinking about what was to come.
"That one there," he began pointing towards me, "is a mess and she won't stop scheming." When he told me to come this weekend, I wasn't happy at all. I preferred to be at home, watching my Sporting and calm. But they didn't let me and they convinced me. Now, I have to say that I had a great time and that my daughter has some fantastic friends that she is very proud of. You are world-
Well! Why do we want more! I got very excited. My mother is not a person to praise, on the contrary, she is more of a person to pour jugs of cold water on you. She says that she is not negative, but realistic and I, who am enthusiastic and exciting and, certainly, do not stop scheming, argue with her many times when I tell her about one of my projects. Therefore, for me, his words meant great recognition and a lot of joy. But I wasn't the only one who was excited. I looked around me and everyone had tears in their eyes.
All of us who spent this weekend at Agüerina's house, except for mom, are around the same age. Well! There are some younger girls, who offend us. But our parents, those who are still alive, are older and we are all concerned about their health, their well-being and that they feel accompanied and loved. That is why for Vanessa and me it was so important that mom was there, representing all those elders whom we love with all our soul because, to begin with, they have given us life. Next month, Mom turns 81 and we adore her (despite how mean she can be sometimes). It is the soul of the old Iriarte (the one that fought and made the store reach our days) and we want it to be part, so that it never feels like someone who is superfluous. Mom had to be in The Autumns of the North and we couldn't feel more proud of her energy, her vitality, her bravery and her beauty. And yes mommy, you're right, I can't have better friends.
We all ran to give her a hug, to shower her with kisses, to scold her because she had made us cry, and to thank her for such nice words. A finishing touch to a weekend that I think none of us will forget. Why add more?
c/ Magdalena, 24
Oviedo (Asturias)
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