Love letters
I had no intention this year of putting up a special window display for Valentine's Day. Vane suggested it to me a week ago, he even gave me one…
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My name is Sandra Solís and I run, together with my sister Vanessa, El Antiguo Iriarte, a very special women's fashion and accessories store in Oviedo. We are the third generation of women from the same family who take charge of a boutique that has already turned 60 years old.
My passion for writing led me to study journalism, a profession I practiced for ten years in a local newspaper. But I also loved the store since I was a child and in this blog I write from the heart and without filters, hence its name, With my face washed, everything that might interest a woman, from the experience of breast cancer told firsthand. person to what's behind one of our fashion photo shoots. Are you coming on a trip with me?
I had no intention this year of putting up a special window display for Valentine's Day. Vane suggested it to me a week ago, he even gave me one…
An alliance of women from two provinces, Asturias and León, linked to the land, guardians of traditions and transmitters of doing...
In another example of daring and good sense, mom breaks conventions and shows, proud and brave, the skin she lives in.
We are launching Christmas decorations paying tribute to simplicity, to the warmth of the home in front of a fireplace, on soft carpets of...
Chronicle of an unforgettable weekend in Agüerina in which 17 friends recorded a unique advertising spot
Juan Uría and his wife, Cristina Gervilla, have opened the doors of the Cardenal Cienfuegos Palace, in Agüerina (Belmonte de Miranda),…
Huge heads of a bull or a ram, a goat with a fish tail or hands on which butterflies flutter star in the…
Other years, on a day like today, March 8, we have demonstrated, we have closed our business at twelve to concentrate with others...
Lilo. Así lo llamó Lucía de chiquitina. No sabía decir abuelo, ni abuelito, ni Lito. «Lilo», soltó un día. Y Lilo le quedó. A papá
Trust, complicity, affection. The relationship between mothers and daughters is unique and at El Antiguo Iriarte we wanted to give it visibility.
Lu flies. It goes. At the beginning of October, still before reaching the age of majority, he will undertake a new project. New studies, other friends,…
How to start? Where? Today I will try to write what I would never have liked to write about, or at least not so soon. They will be my…
Says The Emotional, a wonderful book that explains to children what each emotion is like, that excitement brings us closer to our goals and...
Last Monday, when confinement had just begun, I received a wp from my friend Ezequiel Sebastian Beltran, soul, heart and...
How important I consider to entertain the people I love, treat them, give them gifts, listen to them and share experiences...
Overcome your fears, stomp your feet, straighten your body, raise your voice, clap your hands, raise your chin and raise your arms. This fall, Ponte Flamenca
Small businesses survive thanks to the support of customers and their respect for sales dates and the margins applied.
The world of fashion has plagued our desires with Anglicisms, relegating Spanish, the second most spoken language in the world. Well np!
Five o'clock had not yet struck and they were already in front of the old Iriarte, waiting because on Saturday afternoons we do not open, some of the…
Today we inaugurate a section, both on Facebook and Instagram, and we have called it “Thursdays with Mom” because it will be this day, starting…
We have done it again. Ten real women, a photographer and a wonderful space to create a new campaign where you,…
We have changed: Paz, who is blonde, will play Coco Chanel and I, a brunette, will play Marlene Dietrich, the one with a Little black dress and a
I stopped dead. I was walking with Nole at night, after closing, to freshen up a bit and I saw her. I kept that one
My grandmother's chairs, six regal seats made of embossed wood at the beginning of the last century, have determined the character of…
c/ Magdalena, 24
Oviedo (Asturias)
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