About this page This website is not a normal website. It is completely made by us, from the typography, colors, photos, locations and texts. We are the models of most of the images and we take photos with our phones, of each other. As simple or as complicated, depending on how you look at it. It is hard work, it takes time, work and imagination, but we do it with all the love in the world and we have a lot of fun. We star in our photos because we are real women, there is no trick or cardboard. We don't use filters, we don't retouch the photos, we don't even put on makeup (it doesn't suit our style). We are 50, 54 and 82 years old and the youngest, Lu, is 20. This fall, Carlota, a beautiful woman whom we saw growing up, also joined our photo sessions. It brings light, beauty and many ideas. We want you to go through this page like someone who goes shopping for a walk, like we did with our parents when we were children. The page is organized by brands, not by items, and is designed for enjoyment. If you like something, below we explain how to buy. And now, enjoy!